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Chủ Nhật, 28 tháng 8, 2016


Esala Perahera of Kandy is one of the oldest and greatest of all Buddhist festival in Sri Lanka, dancers, jugglers, musicians, fire-breathing, and was richly decorated elephants. This was held at the Esala (July or August) is the month that is supposed to celebrate the first teaching given by the Buddha after his enlightenment. Kandy Esala Perahera the last ten days while various festivals can be seen right throughout. Sinhalese term 'Perahera' means a parade of musicians, dancers, singers, acrobats and various performances accompanied by a large number of caparisoned Tuskers and elephants paraded in the streets during the celebration of a religious event.

According to historical records of the Buddha's relics are divided into 8 sections each holding part (1: Supply heaven to earth, 2: Sri Lanka Ka (tooth), 3: Xu Gan Da Ra, 4: Aquarium , 5: King Brahma ...), which has a tooth relic is kept in Sri Lanka. This is a winter festival with his 80 mighty elephants and hundreds of thousands of dance teams performing for festivals.

Buddhism infiltrated Sri Lanka 200 years after the Buddha's nirvana, at 9 entourage under Asoka mission of Buddhism spreading to other countries and Sri orchids beside already predestined when the Great King special envoy prince Asoka (Mahinda) and Princess bring invaluable mission to Sri lanka island. Since then with his great contributions he Mahinda (an Arahat) have legal protection to preserve the Buddha and Buddhist missionary original charm, 100 years later his disciples to write all the books on ola leaves, Buddhism as the Ganges since then pour on all reclining

If not witnessed the Esala Perahera festival, it's hard to imagine the world is still a country like Sri Lanka retained the pure beauty of the early Buddhism, today the world's water being inherited Buddhist background we still often called Theravada (or Theravada Buddhism, Theravada Buddhism Presbyterian Ministry ...) all thanks to preserve and protect the scriptures written on leaf context, learning from Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka has 4 national security that any people when mentioning are also proud:
1. Buddha tooth relic temple in Kandy is situated in the church at the site of the old palace. Not to talk of the temple as a UNESCO world cultural heritage is well preserved, how beautiful setting with private lawns and luxuriant vegetation reflected the lake is enough to see the top fantastic here.
2. Bodhi Tree over 2500 years after the death of the Buddha, Emperor Ashoka had wholeheartedly expressed his heart reverent respect and protect the Bodhi tree in Bodhi Gaya. Buddhist emperor has sent his daughter a princess who later became monks-ni Sanghamitta extract a south branch of the Bodhi tree planted in Ceylon brought through the ancient city of Anuradhapura during the reign of King Devanampiyatissa King. Bodhi tree branches remain green until today and become a forest of Bodh reach dozens of kilometers. While the original Bodhi tree in Bodhi Gaya was canceled several times because many times after that. So Bodhi tree was declared in the history of the world's oldest trees are trees planted in the city of Anuradhapura this.
3. Temple Thuparama, is one of the oldest temples of Buddhism in Sri Lanka. The temple was built in the ancient city of Anuradhapura in the 3rd century BCE reign of King Devanmpiyatissa. This temple still retains a right shoulder bone fragments of the Buddha.
4. Great Stupa Ruwanweliseya, is considered Buddhist architectural originality and holiest worldwide. Stupa was built under the reign of King Dutugemunu in 140 BC. Great Stupa Ruwanweliseya is a place to keep the remains of the enlightened monks in Sri Lanka. This work combines unique architecture Buddhist philosophy because stupa on the surface look like bubbles emerge, symbolizing the fragility of life and the impermanence of man. Massive dome, religion symbolizes the infinite and 4 on the top of the tower symbolizes the Four Noble De, 4 noble truths of Buddhism and the concentric circles that symbolize the main Bat path out of suffering Dao 8 and help people to enlightenment.

Our pilgrims sui extremely happy and honored to have been landed up this land and participate in the festival procession Buddha tooth relic here. Sincerely thank Mr. Mahinda (same name Arahat Asoka the Great's son) who helped us a lot when we were in Sri Lanka, he is the embodiment of the Bodhisattva virtues sacrificed his life for the propagate Buddhism and helping the poor, he was the master of novices and 300 university benefactors for the poor in Sri Lanka (as frequently go to volunteer to help them, so we jokingly call him the great benefactors). He has just completed the construction of the hall for Buddhist meditation (Mahadana opportunity we have had a chance to be blessed partners build this hall). Every morning he will be present in the tooth relic temple in Kandy to work and help the great chanting Monk elders preside over, he was one of four people who daily have tended temple duties. We are extremely lucky to be on the way to improve this law to meet and learn from the intellectual level. May the 31 realms beings shared this blessing. May all true happiness, real peace, real liberation.

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