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Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 8, 2016

8 Special Buddhist Holiday Should Be Know

Every year, there are many Buddhist festivals take place around the world. Most of the special events are related to the life of Buddha or bodhisattvas, Sensei ... These festivals are calculated according to the lunar calendar and usually differ depending on culture and communication system of each country.

During the holidays is the opportunity for Buddhists to express joy, joy. The holidays usually start with going to visit the temples, where devotees would offer to the monks of offerings like food, clothing ... and to hear the teachings from the monks. In the afternoon, they will distribute alms and food to the poor, then it will go around the electric interference 3 Buddha, chanting and meditation

Here are a few important holidays will be presented briefly.


As big feast takes place in Buddhism and other several days depending on the countries around the world. In the traditionally Buddhist country Theravada (Theravadin) such as Thailand, Burma, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Laos, the new year's festival takes place 3 days, starting on the full moon of April.

In the Mahayana Buddhist countries like Japan, China, Taiwan, Vietnam, the new year usually begins in the first days of January. Particularly in Tibetan Buddhism, then mark this holiday in March.


Vesak is the birth anniversary of the Buddha and is the most important holidays., Buddhists all over the world held celebrations birth, enlightenment and passing away of the Buddha on the same day, usually mid-week May calendar. Vesak is the name of a month is called in India, just in Vietnam in January called January ....

Vesak - Vesak UN day cultural festival and humanities at the international level. The content mainly refers to two major problems of the world's religions and cultures - 2 covering all elements of human life

Dated 15.12.1999, at the 54th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, has officially recognized the vote and the organizers of Vesak, also known as vesak case, three days celebrating faith Buddha's birth, enlightenment and Nirvana, this day is called the celebrations and be seen as a message of peace that the message sent to Buddhists all humanity.

The first festival was held at the headquarters of the United Nations in New York, United States with over 30 countries participating countries. From 2000 onwards, the festival was held in the center of the United Nations in the areas around the world.


In the primitive Buddhist country, every year after 3 full moon, ie after 3 rainy season from June to adjectives usually held in September offering offerings to monks Kathina y.

This ceremony was held at the Temple during 1 month from September 16 to January 10. ttrong full moon for a month, all the young men and women will worry improve the offerings for monks including Y and widgets other necessary.

Kathina festival celebrating the traditional festival of Buddhism, the Buddha from

In Vietnam the majority of Mahayana Buddhism, settling ceremony usually held in 3 months down from full moon to full moon in April and July will celebrate its often increased offerings son, is also another form of offering Health


Loy Krathong ceremony in Thailand was seen as a major Buddhist festival, usually held on May 12. At the moon's water canals and tributaries to rise, they bring a bowl containing flowers, candles, downs and drop them drift downstream, to wish it would blow the unfortunate.

Legend, Loy Krathong festival homage comes from the Buddha's footsteps on the sands of the river Namada in India.


According to Buddhist traditions of Burma, this is the Buddhist festival to commemorate the day the Buddha preached heaven to earth to win the French for his mother. Celebrated the 7 wonders of the moon on the lunar calendar Burma, starting from April until the full moon of October.


Kandy is a beautiful city of Sri Lanka Ka. On a small hill in the city has a huge temple is considered a relic, because this temple has a tooth of Buddha church. Teeth that people will never be able to see more because deep within casket. But every August every year, in a full moon night they held a procession ceremony real scale of Buddhist relics.


As a big festival is held in most countries Theravada tradition, one notion gates of hell are opened and souls absolved from the first day to the 15th day of the lunar calendar in July . Will be giving food to the spirits during this time, to help them with suffering.

In the 15th day of the ceremony Ulambana (vu lan), people will go visit the cemetery and offering food to the ancestors, deceased relatives. Many Theravada countries such as Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and organizing this festival.

In Mahayana Buddhist countries like Japan, Vu Lan ceremony known with the name Ubon, is starting on July 13 and ended after 3 days, this festival is an occasion for family reunion, an occasion to descendants signaling parents and ancestors

In Vietnam, Vu Lan ceremony associated with the event by virtue Maudgalyayana powers of monks but save the mother from hell. Mass is also known as the day of folk called Hungry Ghost. Mass is celebrated on the full moon lunar July.


Chickened ceremony (aka Happy birth day) of Avalokiteshvara, the Bodhisattva symbolizes love Great, is a symbol of religion of compassion for helping countries in the tradition of Buddhist University lost. Ceremony was held most monumental scale and in Tibet in March full moon of the lunar calendar.

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