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Thứ Tư, 19 tháng 10, 2016


A man sits on a makeshift raft in a flooded area in Ha Tinh province, Vietnam, on 15 October 2016

Severe flooding in central Vietnam has left at least 21 people dead and submerged tens of thousands of homes.

Worst affected is the province of Quang Binh, where at least 11 people have been killed, crops destroyed and livestock washed away.
The floods have been caused by torrential rain, but local media say sudden discharges from hydropower reservoirs worsened the flooding.
Typhoon Sarika could bring more bad weather if it strikes Vietnam.
"We are worried", disaster official Tran Le Dang Hung told news outlet AP. "We have instructed district governments to outlet plans for evacuating people."
On Sunday the storm hit the Philippines, leaving at least two dead and displacing more than 150,000.
Several thousand people had evacuated there ahead of the typhoon, and property damage, downed power lines and fallen trees were reported.
Typhoon Sarika could hit northern Vietnam early next week, according to the country's weather bureau.

Submerged homes are seen in Bo Trach district of the central Vietnamese province of Quang Binh on 15 October 2016
So far the flooding has affected tens of thousands of people across four central provinces. Images show houses with only their roofs above water.
Local media say more than 70,000 houses have flood damage in Quang Binh and almost 25,000 in Ha Tinh province.
Rice fields and other agricultural land have been inundated, local media report, and the main north-south rail link is affected.
In Quang Binh, questions were being asked over the release of water by hydropower plants.
VnExpress quoted a provincial official as saying that discharges had caused water levels to rise fast.
"The dam operators should have informed locals properly in advance," he was quoted as saying.
Source: BBC News

Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 8, 2016


Fabric type: Broadcloth (thick)
Item conditon:    100% new
Feature:     Eco-friendly, comfortable
Color:    brown/ grey/ sepia brown/ brown-black
Made in:   Viet Nam
Sexual:   male/female
Size: S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL, 4XL
20/5 Dinh Bo Linh Str, Ward 24, Binh Thanh Dist, Hochiminh City, Vietnam.
Factory: 6A Group, Bao Vinh A Hamlet, Bao Vinh Commune, Long Khanh, Dong Nai Province.
Phone: (84)-835015089
Email: info@shinesun.com.vn
Website: http://www.shinesun.com.vn
Skype: sale7 shinesun
Viber/Whatsapp: 0939.683.799

Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 8, 2016

8 Special Buddhist Holiday Should Be Know

Every year, there are many Buddhist festivals take place around the world. Most of the special events are related to the life of Buddha or bodhisattvas, Sensei ... These festivals are calculated according to the lunar calendar and usually differ depending on culture and communication system of each country.

During the holidays is the opportunity for Buddhists to express joy, joy. The holidays usually start with going to visit the temples, where devotees would offer to the monks of offerings like food, clothing ... and to hear the teachings from the monks. In the afternoon, they will distribute alms and food to the poor, then it will go around the electric interference 3 Buddha, chanting and meditation

Here are a few important holidays will be presented briefly.


As big feast takes place in Buddhism and other several days depending on the countries around the world. In the traditionally Buddhist country Theravada (Theravadin) such as Thailand, Burma, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Laos, the new year's festival takes place 3 days, starting on the full moon of April.

In the Mahayana Buddhist countries like Japan, China, Taiwan, Vietnam, the new year usually begins in the first days of January. Particularly in Tibetan Buddhism, then mark this holiday in March.


Vesak is the birth anniversary of the Buddha and is the most important holidays., Buddhists all over the world held celebrations birth, enlightenment and passing away of the Buddha on the same day, usually mid-week May calendar. Vesak is the name of a month is called in India, just in Vietnam in January called January ....

Vesak - Vesak UN day cultural festival and humanities at the international level. The content mainly refers to two major problems of the world's religions and cultures - 2 covering all elements of human life

Dated 15.12.1999, at the 54th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, has officially recognized the vote and the organizers of Vesak, also known as vesak case, three days celebrating faith Buddha's birth, enlightenment and Nirvana, this day is called the celebrations and be seen as a message of peace that the message sent to Buddhists all humanity.

The first festival was held at the headquarters of the United Nations in New York, United States with over 30 countries participating countries. From 2000 onwards, the festival was held in the center of the United Nations in the areas around the world.


In the primitive Buddhist country, every year after 3 full moon, ie after 3 rainy season from June to adjectives usually held in September offering offerings to monks Kathina y.

This ceremony was held at the Temple during 1 month from September 16 to January 10. ttrong full moon for a month, all the young men and women will worry improve the offerings for monks including Y and widgets other necessary.

Kathina festival celebrating the traditional festival of Buddhism, the Buddha from

In Vietnam the majority of Mahayana Buddhism, settling ceremony usually held in 3 months down from full moon to full moon in April and July will celebrate its often increased offerings son, is also another form of offering Health


Loy Krathong ceremony in Thailand was seen as a major Buddhist festival, usually held on May 12. At the moon's water canals and tributaries to rise, they bring a bowl containing flowers, candles, downs and drop them drift downstream, to wish it would blow the unfortunate.

Legend, Loy Krathong festival homage comes from the Buddha's footsteps on the sands of the river Namada in India.


According to Buddhist traditions of Burma, this is the Buddhist festival to commemorate the day the Buddha preached heaven to earth to win the French for his mother. Celebrated the 7 wonders of the moon on the lunar calendar Burma, starting from April until the full moon of October.


Kandy is a beautiful city of Sri Lanka Ka. On a small hill in the city has a huge temple is considered a relic, because this temple has a tooth of Buddha church. Teeth that people will never be able to see more because deep within casket. But every August every year, in a full moon night they held a procession ceremony real scale of Buddhist relics.


As a big festival is held in most countries Theravada tradition, one notion gates of hell are opened and souls absolved from the first day to the 15th day of the lunar calendar in July . Will be giving food to the spirits during this time, to help them with suffering.

In the 15th day of the ceremony Ulambana (vu lan), people will go visit the cemetery and offering food to the ancestors, deceased relatives. Many Theravada countries such as Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and organizing this festival.

In Mahayana Buddhist countries like Japan, Vu Lan ceremony known with the name Ubon, is starting on July 13 and ended after 3 days, this festival is an occasion for family reunion, an occasion to descendants signaling parents and ancestors

In Vietnam, Vu Lan ceremony associated with the event by virtue Maudgalyayana powers of monks but save the mother from hell. Mass is also known as the day of folk called Hungry Ghost. Mass is celebrated on the full moon lunar July.


Chickened ceremony (aka Happy birth day) of Avalokiteshvara, the Bodhisattva symbolizes love Great, is a symbol of religion of compassion for helping countries in the tradition of Buddhist University lost. Ceremony was held most monumental scale and in Tibet in March full moon of the lunar calendar.

Chủ Nhật, 28 tháng 8, 2016


Kate silk
Item conditon
100% new
Eco-friendly, comfortable
grey/ brown/ sepia brown
Place of origin
Viet Nam

20/5 Dinh Bo Linh Str, Ward 24, Binh Thanh Dist, Hochiminh City, Vietnam.
Factory: 6A Group, Bao Vinh A Hamlet, Bao Vinh Commune, Long Khanh, Dong Nai Province.
Phone: (84)-835015089
Email: info@shinesun.com.vn
Website: http://www.shinesun.com.vn
Skype: sale7 shinesun
Viber/Whatsapp: 0939.683.799


Esala Perahera of Kandy is one of the oldest and greatest of all Buddhist festival in Sri Lanka, dancers, jugglers, musicians, fire-breathing, and was richly decorated elephants. This was held at the Esala (July or August) is the month that is supposed to celebrate the first teaching given by the Buddha after his enlightenment. Kandy Esala Perahera the last ten days while various festivals can be seen right throughout. Sinhalese term 'Perahera' means a parade of musicians, dancers, singers, acrobats and various performances accompanied by a large number of caparisoned Tuskers and elephants paraded in the streets during the celebration of a religious event.

According to historical records of the Buddha's relics are divided into 8 sections each holding part (1: Supply heaven to earth, 2: Sri Lanka Ka (tooth), 3: Xu Gan Da Ra, 4: Aquarium , 5: King Brahma ...), which has a tooth relic is kept in Sri Lanka. This is a winter festival with his 80 mighty elephants and hundreds of thousands of dance teams performing for festivals.

Buddhism infiltrated Sri Lanka 200 years after the Buddha's nirvana, at 9 entourage under Asoka mission of Buddhism spreading to other countries and Sri orchids beside already predestined when the Great King special envoy prince Asoka (Mahinda) and Princess bring invaluable mission to Sri lanka island. Since then with his great contributions he Mahinda (an Arahat) have legal protection to preserve the Buddha and Buddhist missionary original charm, 100 years later his disciples to write all the books on ola leaves, Buddhism as the Ganges since then pour on all reclining

If not witnessed the Esala Perahera festival, it's hard to imagine the world is still a country like Sri Lanka retained the pure beauty of the early Buddhism, today the world's water being inherited Buddhist background we still often called Theravada (or Theravada Buddhism, Theravada Buddhism Presbyterian Ministry ...) all thanks to preserve and protect the scriptures written on leaf context, learning from Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka has 4 national security that any people when mentioning are also proud:
1. Buddha tooth relic temple in Kandy is situated in the church at the site of the old palace. Not to talk of the temple as a UNESCO world cultural heritage is well preserved, how beautiful setting with private lawns and luxuriant vegetation reflected the lake is enough to see the top fantastic here.
2. Bodhi Tree over 2500 years after the death of the Buddha, Emperor Ashoka had wholeheartedly expressed his heart reverent respect and protect the Bodhi tree in Bodhi Gaya. Buddhist emperor has sent his daughter a princess who later became monks-ni Sanghamitta extract a south branch of the Bodhi tree planted in Ceylon brought through the ancient city of Anuradhapura during the reign of King Devanampiyatissa King. Bodhi tree branches remain green until today and become a forest of Bodh reach dozens of kilometers. While the original Bodhi tree in Bodhi Gaya was canceled several times because many times after that. So Bodhi tree was declared in the history of the world's oldest trees are trees planted in the city of Anuradhapura this.
3. Temple Thuparama, is one of the oldest temples of Buddhism in Sri Lanka. The temple was built in the ancient city of Anuradhapura in the 3rd century BCE reign of King Devanmpiyatissa. This temple still retains a right shoulder bone fragments of the Buddha.
4. Great Stupa Ruwanweliseya, is considered Buddhist architectural originality and holiest worldwide. Stupa was built under the reign of King Dutugemunu in 140 BC. Great Stupa Ruwanweliseya is a place to keep the remains of the enlightened monks in Sri Lanka. This work combines unique architecture Buddhist philosophy because stupa on the surface look like bubbles emerge, symbolizing the fragility of life and the impermanence of man. Massive dome, religion symbolizes the infinite and 4 on the top of the tower symbolizes the Four Noble De, 4 noble truths of Buddhism and the concentric circles that symbolize the main Bat path out of suffering Dao 8 and help people to enlightenment.

Our pilgrims sui extremely happy and honored to have been landed up this land and participate in the festival procession Buddha tooth relic here. Sincerely thank Mr. Mahinda (same name Arahat Asoka the Great's son) who helped us a lot when we were in Sri Lanka, he is the embodiment of the Bodhisattva virtues sacrificed his life for the propagate Buddhism and helping the poor, he was the master of novices and 300 university benefactors for the poor in Sri Lanka (as frequently go to volunteer to help them, so we jokingly call him the great benefactors). He has just completed the construction of the hall for Buddhist meditation (Mahadana opportunity we have had a chance to be blessed partners build this hall). Every morning he will be present in the tooth relic temple in Kandy to work and help the great chanting Monk elders preside over, he was one of four people who daily have tended temple duties. We are extremely lucky to be on the way to improve this law to meet and learn from the intellectual level. May the 31 realms beings shared this blessing. May all true happiness, real peace, real liberation.

20/5 Dinh Bo Linh Str, Ward 24, Binh Thanh Dist, Hochiminh City, Vietnam.
Factory: 6A Group, Bao Vinh A Hamlet, Bao Vinh Commune, Long Khanh, Dong Nai Province.
Phone: (84)-835015089
Email: info@shinesun.com.vn
Website: http://www.shinesun.com.vn
Skype: sale7 shinesun
Viber/Whatsapp: 0939.683.799

Thứ Sáu, 26 tháng 8, 2016


Students are asked to meditate for short periods before class begins.

The results of 17 studies conducted in this area shows that there are many benefits gained from the application program, such as reducing stress, enhancing emotional intelligence, reduce the dropout rate, increase school attendance and academic performance improves.

So far there have been two studies on the effects of meditation on education published.

In the first study, the effect of the "quiet period" is assessed at the public high school students with below-average academic ability. English and math scores have increased significantly every year in the conduct you meditate, and decreased in those who did not meditate. Considering the circumstances and conditions of the students here, the results are very encouraging.

The second study, by WestEd - an independent education company - made, showed that after 7 months of applying the "quiet time", the 9th graders has dropped significantly meditation symptoms the worry and become rigid than students who do not meditate. Also, those who meditate also said they slept better and felt confident and happier.

However, it would be naive to think that meditation is the only factor that can erase the effects of other factors, such as poverty, which is difficult to overcome barriers to get good achievements in education. But the "quiet time" is a less costly measure that teachers and students have a clear favorite and the statistics showed that it works.

And although this program focuses on schools located in low-income areas, but the children came from middle-class families or wealthy can also benefit from it, such as the effects reduce stress. So it would be best if this model be replicated and applied everywhere for every child to have the conditions to develop themselves better.

Thứ Năm, 25 tháng 8, 2016


Item conditon
100% new
Eco-friendly, comfortable
Grey/ violet/ brown/ reddish/ orange/ blue/ sepia brown
Place of origin
Viet Nam

20/5 Dinh Bo Linh Str, Ward 24, Binh Thanh Dist, Hochiminh City, Vietnam.
Factory: 6A Group, Bao Vinh A Hamlet, Bao Vinh Commune, Long Khanh, Dong Nai Province.
Phone: (84)-835015089
Email: info@shinesun.com.vn
Website: http://www.shinesun.com.vn
Skype: sale7 shinesun
Viber/Whatsapp: 0939.683.799

Thứ Tư, 24 tháng 8, 2016


The Dalai Lama proposed some rules of living, a set of simple yet philosophical pointers to aid the journey to living a fulfilling and worthwhile life. Anyone deemed to be successful in life appears to display an array of distinct qualities.

Great results and great growth involve great risks.

Failure always teaches us more than our successes. Learn, reflect then apply.

Respect of self — value your achievements and acknowledge your deficits as without both you cannot develop.
Respect others; be open minded to what they may be able to teach you. Respect of self and others, alongside responsibility, are essential leadership qualities. 
Respect has to be given before it can be received and is correlated to the level of responsibility for your actions you are willing to take.
Remember that flawed deal, the PHEW you felt that it fell through and the better opportunity that followed. Sometimes life has a way to taking us in directions we should have chosen for ourselves.
Being creative and innovative in business requires you to know the rules and break them - and the boundaries/limitations simultaneously! Watch the mavericks — they see opportunities where others see limitations and failure.
 Business relationships are like any others and involve ups and downs — it’s how you handle them that retains the relationships and defines you as a team player and leader. You don’t have to agree with someone to remain a business colleague.
Getting it wrong is part of the process, make it right immediately and own it — it’s called integrity — a highly valued commodity in business.
Hit the brakes regularly — reflecting and incubating your ideas requires alone time
Change is an essential and necessary part of business — so is the ability to retain your values. They should be written through you/your business like a stick of rock; as they illustrate who you are. Remember, values are held by people, not buildings.

Source: huflington
20/5 Dinh Bo Linh Str, Ward 24, Binh Thanh Dist, Hochiminh City, Vietnam.
Factory: 6A Group, Bao Vinh A Hamlet, Bao Vinh Commune, Long Khanh, Dong Nai Province.
Phone: (84)-835015089
Email: sale7shinesun@gmail.com
Whatsapp: +84 939 683 799
Skype: sale7shinesun

Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 8, 2016


Meditation in English, depending on the context, can be translated as a noun: Meditation, contemplation, concentration, abstraction, trance ... or as a verb: to meditate, to comtemplate, to think of, to imagine, to call to mind, to recollect ... but all of this is true only in the context of each individual only, that is not true under the most general sense. "The" in ordinary English is translated as "concentration", Latin sounds are turned Pali is "Samadhi" or "samatha" shop in English is translated as "contemplation". From the "Wisdom" of Theravada Buddhism be translated in Latin Pali turned negative as "Vipassana". There are no known cases for the Zen sect is different, so many people still think of Zen meditation is just! In Vietnam or countries where Buddhism, speaks of "meditation", the majority of them relate to methods of Buddhist practice. However, in India refers to "meditation" is you often think of Brahmanism or other religions in the area. Even in Buddhism, the word "meditation" was translated from the word has different content.

Meditation, the original Buddhist texts, written in Pali is bhavana refers to the practice to train the mind. Generally, there are three Theravada meditation practices: Mindfulness Meditation (satibhavana), meditation (samathabhavana) and insight (vipassanabhavana).

- Dinh, in the Theravada monks in Pali is called Jhana. In developing Buddhist sutras, Mahayana Buddhism News, The Sanskrit is called dhyana. The concept of "Zen" of Mahayana Buddhism is changed for each different conceptions of the different sects. Since the development of the Mahayana people use meditation techniques are very different from each other and those methods sometimes had no relationship with meditation Buddha Gautama has been practicing and teaching. Great mid sect of Mahayana sect difficult to determine that the use or not use any kind of meditation! However, there are many other meditation techniques, also used in Yoga or the Brahmin sects, in Taoism ...

So Zen word is just a word called "generic" of a lot of the content is very different. With general knowledge, meditation is often understood as relaxation methods, anti-stress, balancing the mind, wellness etc ... Only with highly specialized knowledge, we can distinguish between the Zen of Germany Gautama Buddha meditation primitive ie, the development of Buddhist meditation, Zen meditation, the meditation of Vajrayana (Tantric Buddhist) meditation of yoga, meditation and other Brahmin sect or Taoist meditation etc. ...

20/5 Dinh Bo Linh Str, Ward 24, Binh Thanh Dist, Hochiminh City, Vietnam.
Factory: 6A Group, Bao Vinh A Hamlet, Bao Vinh Commune, Long Khanh, Dong Nai Province.
Phone: (84)-835015089
Email: sale7shinesun@gmail.com
Whatsapp: +84 939 683 799
Skype: sale7shinesun

Thứ Hai, 22 tháng 8, 2016


Item conditon
100% new
Eco-friendly, comfortable
Grey/ brown/ yellow/ black brown
Place of origin
Viet Nam

20/5 Dinh Bo Linh Str, Ward 24, Binh Thanh Dist, Hochiminh City, Vietnam.
Factory: 6A Group, Bao Vinh A Hamlet, Bao Vinh Commune, Long Khanh, Dong Nai Province.
Phone: (84)-835015089
Email: sale7shinesun@gmail.com
Whatsapp: +84 939 683 799
Skype: sale7shinesun

Thứ Năm, 18 tháng 8, 2016


1. Shwedagon Paya
1. Shwedagon Paya

As a symbol of this Buddhist country, Shwedagon Paya, located in the former capital Yangon, in fact is a gold ledge. With located higher than the city to 100 m, it is not difficult for people to be able to admire this sacred place from anywhere. People here said that this temple was built 2,500 years ago for the purpose of storing a hair of the Buddha left his two younger brothers.

In addition, this is also where the line items as well as many other temples and shrines in the city. Experience Shwedagon At dawn to enjoy all the beauty of this place. Join the pilgrimage before sunset is also a great idea to be able to admire the beauty of the Shwedagon magical sunlight.

.2. Kyaiktiyo Mountain
2. Núi Kyaiktiyo
The Golden stone mountains of southeastern Myanmar Kyaiktiyo is one of the famous pilgrimage site. With gold iridescent luster under the sun, it's not hard to explain why this place could attract so many people. On top of it there are people building a line graph looks small though the line items will not be able to build on it is.

Beautiful scenery to overwhelmed by the majestic mountains this is also a point of attraction for many visitors. The most ideal time period to visit is from November to March next year, when the pilgrims came here to celebrate. If coming during the rainy season (from June to October), the haze will cover most of the land.
3. Bagan
3. Bagan
There are more than 3,000 temples built across the plains. That is the fruit of temple construction wave extends continuously from the mid-11th century until the late 13th century under the reign of these kings Buddhist cult.

Most temples here are the ruins of the gigantic frieze. Temple still has many normal activities as typified Pahto anando beautiful temple. Admire the sunset under the mist of magic this city is an unforgettable experience for anyone who has ever set foot.
4. Mrauk U
4. Mrauk U
Located deep in the remote Rakhine in western Myanmar, are not hard to come across the works of Buddhism is built very carefully and steadily like a real fortress. Mrauk U is also the attractions at the most pilgrims. These reliefs here was erected in stone from the 15th and 16th centuries.

But time and weather made for some of the affected structures, almost everything here is still intact. There was a time this country is the capital of Rakhine region and is one of the richest cities in Asia thanks to trade with Portugal, Spain and the Middle East countries.

There is a small note for those who want to visit here is the need to examine the security information carefully because this happened in the violence that is most typical in 2012. However, both Mrauk U Bagan and locations are stimulating the curiosity of visitors. With rents chariot draw about $15 / day, will really ideal for exploring the car owners are very knowledgeable about the project here.
5. Bago
5. Bago
Bago today is no longer the same as the previous Bago. Bago was once the capital of southern Myanmar and is home of the nation's most beautiful temples, as well as many other important monasteries. This is also where the sleeping Buddha carved Shwethalyaung famous 10th century.

Also, in Kya kha Wain Kyaung, one of the largest Buddhist monastery Myanmar, visitors will admire the spectacle of more than 500 monks seeking alms in the morning. Guests can visit the monastery to contemplate Pythons native pythons. This particular monastery was built over 120 years ago.

20/5 Dinh Bo Linh Str, Ward 24, Binh Thanh Dist, Hochiminh City, Vietnam.
Factory: 6A Group, Bao Vinh A Hamlet, Bao Vinh Commune, Long Khanh, Dong Nai Province.
Phone: (84)-835015089
Email: sale7shinesun@gmail.com
Website: http://vietnambuddhistclothing.com/
Skype: sale7shinesun
Viber/Whatsapp: 0939.683.799